Le Monde – September 2015

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Press Reviews -

According to the 09/22/2015 newspaper “Le Monde”, automatic ventilation such as Aereco’s system is the most profitable investment in energy renovation.Indeed, the article indicates that the automatic ventilation has a return on investment on only two years, 10 times faster than the windows replacement  or 15 times faster than external insulation.


Ventilation is the most profitable investment in renovation, far ahead of insulation or windows


Renewal projects Financial cost Energy saving Money saved for the co-ownership per year Return on investment (years)
  For the co-ownership Per dwelling      
BBC label* windows installation 71 050 € 4 883 € ** 4.10 % 3 291 € 21.6
Automation of the ventilation in wet rooms 25 400 € 262 € 18.14 % 14 567 € 1.7
Automation of the ventilation by air inlets (shutters boxes) 35 100 € 362 € 19.83 % 15 928 € 2.2
External insulation (rockwool) 431 060 € 4 444 € 17.81 % 14 302 € 30.1
Terrace and cellar insulation 110 570 € 1 140 € 2.78 % 2 236 € 49.5
Installation of two condensing boilers 127 500 € 1 314 € 18.11 % 14 547 € 8.8

* Low-energy consumption building
** Half of the buildings were already equipped


Reference of the article = Le Monde, 09/22/2015.

Read the article (in French).

Jérôme Porier

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Document number : news·20150922·LM·4248618