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Aereco, committed to sustainable development

Sustainable development was defined in 1987 by Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norwegian Prime Minister as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet to their own needs”. The modes of production and consumption must respect both the human and natural environment and allow all inhabitants of Earth the satisfaction of their fundamental needs: food, a home, clothes, education, work, a life in a healthy environment… Aereco strives in its approach, its development and its commitment to meet as best possible the requirements of sustainable development.

Reducing greenhouse gases emissions by limiting heat losses

Thanks to innovative products designed to save energy in homes, Aereco contributes to the respect of the environment and to the reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions. With buildings being responsible for nearly 18% of the total production of greenhouse gases, mainly due to heating, ventilation and its impact on heat losses has become a key factor for the environment.

Improving indoor air quality

Beyond the energy aspect, indoor air quality is a major health issue: indeed, we spend most of our time in an indoor environment. By adjusting the rate of air renewal in relation to the level of pollution in each room of the home, Aereco ventilation systems help to improve the quality of the air we breathe.

Eliminating harmful substances in products and reducing waste

Aereco guarantees through appropriate specifications and practices that all components used in its products comply with the requirements of EU RoHS directive. Complying with the REACH*, Aereco also ensures the registration of chemicals substances used in its products. Recyclability of products is subject to special attention through the choice of plastics, as well as the number of parts used to perform a function. Aereco was among the first to design an eco exhaust unit for mechanical exhaust ventilation in 2010.

* REACH is the regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals substances. It became effective on June 1st 2007. REACH streamlines and improves the former legislative framework of the European Union (EU) on chemicals products.

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